My essential oils notebook - Françoise Couic
- Reference: 1097990
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L’ABC du CBD presents “My notebook essential oils” (author: Françoise Couic).
Summary :
“The author of Healing with essential oils, an aromatherapy notebook to desteam, boost his well-being and shape! The notebook to be nice! We combine small natural recipes for health and form, home made cosmetics, well-being or slimming care, and we distract with diffusion... All DIY cocooning formulas daily in 20 oils! On the program: 20 essential oils must-have, no more, that will make all the recipes of the notebook, and flashcodes to see some formulas in video version. All the tricks to treat its small shape decreases (fatigue, depression), its small bobos (abdomen, head, small colds, skin problems) Home made and natural beauty products, to sublimate her hair, skin and nails, with moisturizing cream DIY, antispots, shower gel and shampoo, anti-slip lotion, colored hair care... Slimming recipes with essential oils, to eliminate cellulite, drain, detoxify, and even concoct appetite suppressants! The methods to de-stress and create a pleasant, healthy and soothing atmosphere with aromatherapy in diffusion in the house.”
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